Friday, May 4, 2012

My Honey-Hole Came Through Again!

Early Thursday morning, Johnny and I made a trip to one of my very favorite places and I was not disappointed!  I was delighted to find a dining table with leaf, 4 side chairs and 2 arm chairs. It does require some (a lot) of work, but I was never one to shy away from hard work. I am going to take you through my work from start to finish with pictures. I should be finished with it and hopefully have it at the booth by next Friday. Don't you just LOVE the upholstery? Ugh!

Today I cleaned the chairs really well, sanded and then got the 4
side chairs primed. Had to quit with that work to go to an estate sale where I picked up a few small items for the booth and then hit another one where I totally wiped out.
BUT - I hit paydirt a little later and lucked up on being the first one at a garage sale slated for the next day. I could see from the car that they had already set up for the sale and the very kind lady let me have a look see. Well, I looked and I saw lots of goodies that I will be taking to the booth probably tomorrow. Lots of porch/garden stuff. Don't miss having a look for yourself. I'll try to post pictures tomorrow if all goes well.